Weaving Yarn Limited is owned and operated by Adrian and Grace Ince.
They have been married for 33 years and live and work together in Mid Wales. They have several business interests providing services such as holiday accommodation, IT consultancy, book-keeping, translation and project management.

About Adrian
Adrian worked for over 25 years as a consultant and project manager implementing business software solutions (Sage, SAP) for companies in Europe, the Middle East and the United States. His clients ranged from small engineering companies to international businesses like Volkswagen AG.
He creates, hosts and maintains websites and ecommerce stores including myfineweavingyarn.co.uk
About Grace
Grace has had a portfolio career including book-keeper, translator and travel courier. In 2002 she created Oriental Food Shop, an ethnic grocery retailer selling online and later through a physical store in Leicestershire. She grew this business to the largest of its kind in the East Midlands, eventually selling it to an investor in 2013.
Together with Adrian she runs Wye View, self catering holiday cottages in the Cambrian Mountains of Mid Wales.
Grace has many hobbies including weaving, sewing, embroidery, gardening and keeping chickens.
Our vision for Weaving Yarn
Helen Brotherton grew My Fine Weaving Yarn over 11 years into both a thriving business and community hub for weavers. When she began to retire from selling yarn we took over sales of her very best products and continue to supply them to the UK weaving community.
Our focus is on high quality, repeatable yarns for weavers. We stock a full range of colours for each count.
We sell through multiple channels and offer same day posting. We intend to sell in person at craft shows, and in time will resume sales to European customers.